Generating great excitement in the world of musculoskeletal medicine is the development of shockwave therapy, beneficial for many common conditions including heel pain, chronic tendonitis, and many others. This is an extremely effective therapy, which has no complications or side effects, and boasts an 80-90% success rate. It is a technique well established for decades.
Read MoreCertain diseases are more popular than others, which may sound like a strange statement, but to those in health care, this is a well-recognized phenomenon. I speak of popularity in terms of media attention, research efforts into cures, charitable organizations aiming to support this research, and support groups providing emotional succor to those afflicted. Heart disease must be considered one of the top attention-getters, as is diabetes. Skin cancer probably does not get enough. Those in wound care know that it’s a huge problem getting far less than it should. But this is not going to be an article about wound care, surprisingly.
Read MorePodiatric physicians have been essential in allowing many to begin, or continue, their exercise regimen. Many individuals, especially seniors, utilize walking as their primary form of aerobic exercise, obtaining many health benefits in the process. But what do you do when your favorite pursuit causes pain? Consulting with the appropriate health care provider is important to attain optimal health status.
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