Marquette, Escanaba & L'Anse, & Upper Peninsula, MI Podiatrist With Expertise In Warts Now Offers Saorsa Plantar Wart Treatment

SWIFT® for Warts & Skin Lesions  - podiatrist in marquette, escanaba, upper peninsula, michigan

Microwave Therapy For Warts & Skin Lesions

Are you tired of dealing with painful, stubborn warts? Our Podiatry team at Superior Foot & Ankle Centers are very excited to announce that we have a brand new and effective treatment for surface based skin lesions, ESPECIALLY PLANTAR warts.

Plantar warts; a common and stubborn Viral Infection

“Plantar” means “Of the sole” in Latin. Unlike other types of warts, plantar warts are typically quite painful as the pressure from walking and standing forces them to grow into your skin. Like all warts, Plantar warts are caused by the human papillomavirus (HPV) virus, specifically types 1, 2, 4, 60, and 63. Underneath the skin, the wart can have finger-like roots that reach down and grow, making them very difficult to treat effectively from the surface.

What is SWIFT®?

Swift is a cutting edge, FDA Cleared technology that has proven to be highly effective in the removal of plantar warts. It delivers low dose microwave energy through a specialized probe that targets and effectively treats the underlying HPV virus by stimulating a natural immune response in the body. We like to say that we’re addressing the root cause; not the symptom. We're teaching your immune system to resolve the infection!

What to Expect

Swift protocol involves between 1 and 4 treatments, spaced 4 weeks apart; aligning with the body’s natural immune cycle. Each treatment lasts only 5-10 minutes and is what we call a “sock off - sock on” treatment, MEANING MINIMAL TRIMMING OF THE WART IS NEEDED, AND THERE IS NO OPENING IN the skin. THIS MEANS no bandages ARE NEEDED AND No home treatment is required. Patients are able to resume daily activities immediately post treatment.

Does it hurt?

The Swift technology treatment feels similar to the pain of a small scratch or injection, lasting only a few seconds before immediately subsiding. Some may experience some soreness after the treatment, but not anything strong enough to impair normal day-to-day activities. While pain is variable and patient-specific, most patients typically feel some level of discomfort as TEMPERATURE OF THE WART tissue IS INCREASED OVER THE 2 secondS OF THE TREATMENT. The HEAT immediately subsides following THE TREATMENT and there is very limited post-procedural pain. In fact, some report an immediate reduction in pain levels. All patients are ABLE to continue on with day-to-day activities immediately following treatment.

When you should come to see us

It’s important to visit a podiatrist if you suspect or feel that you have a plantar wart and are seeking removal. The longer you wait to seek treatment, the more likely the wart is to persist. Here are some common symptoms to look out for:

  • You may get the feeling of “painful pebbles” in your shoes.

  • You may experience pain when you compress the sides of the wart.

  • You may see a circular flat spot on the skin with a depressed area in the middle.

  • They may appear “yellowed” with a crust; small black dots can be an easy give away.

  • The lesion on your foot is painful, bleeding, or has changed color.

  • Treatments you have tried do not work, and the wart reoccurs or multiplies.

  • Discomfort that prevents you from doing regular activities.

  • Poor sensation in your feet.

  • You are unsure if the lesion is a wart.

What to do Next?

If you would like our Podiatrist, Dr. Conway McLean, to help get rid of your warts and/or learn more about SWIFT® Treatment, please book a consultation with us. Our Podiatry team at Superior Foot & Ankle Centers will be happy to help.


Podiatrist With Expertise In Warts Now Offers Saorsa Plantar Wart Treatment

Superior Foot And Ankle Centers, based in Marquette, MI, is pleased to share that they are now offering the new Saorsa wart removal system at all of their centers. Superior Foot & Ankle Centers provides complete foot and ankle care for the entire family, serving Marquette, Escanaba & L'Anse, and Upper Peninsula, MI. The clinic states that the Swift plantar wart treatment typically requires 1 - 4 treatment sessions. The treatments themselves, however, are notably brief, especially since each wart only needs to be microwaved for a total of 2 - 3 seconds at a time (though this may be done repeatedly during a session). The clinic also wants to emphasize the following: while the microwave emission may cause some minor discomfort, the procedure is generally painless.

Many patients reported significant reductions in their plantar warts after just one treatment. Plantar warts are painful throughout the day as a result of the pressure that daily activities like walking, running, and other activities put on the soles of the feet, so patients are eager to have them removed. Given this inconvenience, many in turn are extremely appreciative of the Swift microwave therapy machine's effective and painless treatment.

Crucially, the Swift machine does not emit smoke or plumes, does not call for dressings or bandages, and does not require anesthesia, all of which contribute to its ability to provide cleaner wart treatments. Swift microwave therapy does not produce any odor either, making it a more attractive alternative to electrocautery and laser therapy equipment. Both the patient and the healthcare provider delivering the treatment are made safer as a result.

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