Shin Pain Caused By Foot Mechanics

Podiatric physicians have been essential in allowing many to begin, or continue, their exercise regimen. Many individuals, especially seniors, utilize walking as their primary form of aerobic exercise, obtaining many health benefits in the process. But what do you do when your favorite pursuit causes pain? Consulting with the appropriate health care provider is important to attain optimal health status.

Podiatrists are often presented with an individual who is experiencing lower leg pain when walking. The development of pain with walking can lead to a diagnosis of arterial disease, but an alternative diagnosis could be medial tibial stress syndrome. This is simply the medical term for shin splints, which is experienced generally as a dull, aching pain in the shin region. This pain may develop after your daily run or perhaps just sprinting to catch the bus. The symptoms of poor arterial blood flow can also be brought on by similar activities, but an exam will reveal good pulses and other signs of sufficient vascular flow, making the diagnosis of PAD extremely unlikely.

Shin splints are most often caused by poor biomechanics, in which the ankle rolls inwards and the arch lowers excessively. This will often cause the muscles of the shin region to fatigue,

becoming inflamed, irritated, and swollen. Pain is the result. A custom made arch support is an extremely effective means of reducing this abnormal motion. Other treatment options for shin splints include rest, icing of the symptomatic region, anti-inflammatory medication, and exercises to strengthen the over-stressed muscles.

Preventing shin splints, once the proper diagnosis is made, consists of utilizing proper shoe gear with some type of arch support, running or walking on low impact surfaces with a minimal

incline. Cross training is also an excellent means of reducing stress to the affected muscles. Obviously, getting the proper diagnosis is key. But, whatever it takes, don’t give up: exercise, in